
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Yes I am joining the ranks of those bloggers who are hopeless at updating. Oh well, that's life.

One layout here to share of my Ali Pops.

After seeing the play, Puss In Boots, she wanted to dress up just like the princess. She wasn't satisfied with the lace apron I tied around her hear so I fished out my wedding veil. She was thrilled. The colours are a bit off in this pic but you get the idea.

When I was looking through some of my older layouts I cam across this one comparing Ali & Andrew at about 6 months. I then fished out the following photo of Ben. He wasn't as messy when he was eating but they sure do look alike...

Hopefully I will be able to udate very soon about the arrival of my new neice or nephew!!

Until then. Thanks for dropping by. Excuse any spelling mistakes or bits that make no sense. It's late (or early)

Scrap Ya Later
